Salient Features of the Constitution
Salient Features of
the Constitution
The Indian
Constitution is unique in its content and spirits though borrowed from almost
every constitution of the world ,Indian constitution has its own uniqueness.
The original
features of constitution have undergone a substantial change (since its
adoption in 1949) on account of various constitutional amendments.
The Salient features of the
constitution are as follows:
Lengthiest written constitution
The constitution of India is the lengthiest of all written constitution in the world .It is a very comprehensive , elaborate and detailed document . Originally the constitution contained 395 Article,22 Ports,104 Amendments ans 8 Schedules .Presently it consist of 470 Articles,25 Ports,104 Amendments and 12 Schedules.
The vastness of Indian constitution is due to:
a. a) Geographical factors ,as India is a vast and diverse country .
b. b) Historical factors
c. c) Single constitution for both Center and State
d. d) Dominance of legal lumaninaries in the constitution assembly
Drawn from Various
constitution of India has borrowed its most of its provisions from constitution
of various countries and Government of India Act 1935 .Dr.
Ambedkar proudly acclaimed that the Indian constitution has been formed after “Ransacking
all the known constitution of the world”.
· The structured part of the
constitution has been derived from Government of the India Act 1935.
· The philosophical parts like
fundamental rights and directive principle of state policy has been derived
from American and Irish constitutions respectively.
· The political of the constitution has
been derived from British constitution .
· The other provisions of the
constitution have been drawn from the constitutions of Canada ,Australia, USSR
, Germany , France.
Blend of Rigidity
and Flexibility
are classified into rigid and flexible ones.
A constitution is rigid when a special procedure is required for its amendment
like the American constitution while a constitution can be amended in the same
way as the ordinary laws are made example British constitution.
Some provisions
can be amended a special majority of the parliament i.e., a two third majority
of the members of each house present and voting and a majority of total membership
of each house .
While some
at her provisions can be amended by a speed majority of the parliament and rectification
by half of the total state .
Some provisions
can be amended by a simple majority of the parliament in the manner of ordinary
legislature procedure.
Federal System waith
Unitary Bias
constitution of India established a federal system of government .It contain
all features of a federation like supremacy of the constitution ,rigidity of
the constitution and independence of judiciary and bicameralism .
The constitution
of India contains a large number of non – federal features like strong center ,
flexibility of the constitution ,integrated judiciary ,appointment of state government
by center.
Moreover the
term federation has nowhere been used in the constitution Article 1st
,on the other hand describe India as ‘Union of States’.
Parliamentary form
of government
constitution if India has opted for the parliamentary form of government rather
then American presidential system. In parliamentary form of government there is
corporation and co-ordination between legislature and executive while in presidential
form of government power is separated between
the two organs .
The parliamentary
system is also known as “Westminister Model of government “”Responsible Government”
Even though
the parliamentary system id largely based on British pattern there are still
some fundamental difference like India parliament is not a sovereign body like
the British parliament.
The Indian state
has an electoral head while the British state has hereditary head (Monarchy).
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